Monday, December 29, 2008


I like to work on my family tree and learn about history.

I have been working on my family tree for over ten years.

I love to learn about history. When I work on my family tree I am also learning about what was happening in the world during that time. It really gives me a scenes how life was for my family back then.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What I like doing with my spare time....


That's right! Nada, Zip, Zero, get the drift.

Why nothing?.. you might ask? Why not! Is there something better to do that you can suggest?

If you can suggest something that I should do or be doing, please advise...

If not, I suggest you do nothing as well, because obviously, this is the best thing to do, or you would be doing something.

Entering the 21st Century! I am...I'm blogging! It took me a while to join the "dark side" where all you technical computer dwelling nerds live. But, alas, I have succumbed to the pressure of society. I am learning to blog mainly for business purposes so that all of you nerds will buy my stuff! I know you don't like to leave your computer because it's like leaving your child or removing an arm or will sell my products to you over the net and then seek world domination slowly but stealth of course. So, keep tapping away at your keyboards and keep inventing artificial lives and personalities (because you don't have lives or personalities of your own) and I will keep learning how to blog and then rule the WORLD MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New 2 blogging

I've heard the word blog countless times and never really cared to know more. I don't feel like I have the time to post my life online for strangers to read, plus it kinda freaks me out. But here I am, taking a blogwriting course because, after all, it is 2008. Employers want you to know how to blog and, well, it gives you an advantage to know what it is, how to do it and how to do it right.
I've started a blog thanks to my boss's help and I'm hoping I can get the hang of this and do it right!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Little Leary

Why sure, I'm ready to start my autobiography, just as soon as I take a course in safeblog. I have no idea what blogging is, I thought it was clogging in boots! Well, so I am a little intimidated at posting anything world wide, email is different, I chose who I want to read my words, but blogging world wide? Why would anyone want to do that, unless they have miles of confidence that everyone wants to read what they wrote. Guess, I'm not ready yet to give a history of my internet life, but hey, can't blame a person for being alittle leary.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trying to blog in a foreign tongue

There is so little information on how to blog in spanish that I thought it would be easier for me to try to do it in English. When you're not used to writing, the language is not the problem but the ideas and fluency might not be an encouraging factor, but I am sure a am the ten hundredth person that has had this little hesitating problem, so here's to first time bloggers,SALUD!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanks for the course

Thank you for offering a free course of blogging.  I can't wait to get started!!
