Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back to School time!

Geez, this assignment feels like one of those "What I did during my summer vacation" essays I wrote on the first day back to school in the fall, you know...forever ago when I was a happy-go-lucky kiddo with serious back to school worries like whether or not my Trapper Keeper was a cool color. (Does anyone else remember those?)

Let me further impress my old English teacher by claiming that my favorite hobby is reading. I do love to read, and just about anything will do. I read on the net, get books from the library, and oh, how I love to browse in a bookstore. I've been a bookworm since
first grade or so
when all those neat phonics started making sense into words. A bookworm was born! Ah, so much to read, and so little time.

Not only will it get you good grades in school, but it's good for you too! Learn the ways of the bookworm here. Now wasn't this fun, kids?

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