Hey! Is it weird that when I'm reading a blog and people don't start with a hello, it kind of throws me off balance. I mean, aren't most blogs meant to be written as if you were talking to someone, or many someones if your lucky? anyways, I had a blog...many moons ago. Okay, not really many moons ago, I'm only 22...but awhile ago. When live journal was around and I thought there was no one in the world that understood what I was going through, except people that lived millions of miles away from me, that i would never meet in real life :) Ohh, things were so easy then! Anyways, I'm a 22 year old SAHM (stay at home mom) I have a 2 year old amazing little boy who is the light of my world. I am pregnant due with number 2 in December and plan to be clinically insane by January 1st! just kidding!, sort of. I am married to an amazing man, who just so happens to be my hero :) He is in the United States Army 11 Bravo (& yes thats what he CHOSE not what he was "stuck" with) He is set to deploy in September and I am pretty sure the next year is going to be the hardest year of my life. It's going to be hard being a single parent again and it's going to be especially hard having my best friend gone not to mention in such a scary place. I am hoping a blog, along with a naughty two year old and soon a happy newborn will keep my busy enough to stay sane until my husband returns. I am also hoping to earn some free stuff :D Host giveaways, pass on some reviews, you know the normal bloggy stuff :D :D
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