Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blogging and Me: An Unfulfilled Relationship

Hi, I'm Molly.

While I have plenty of theoretical knowledge about blogs and blogging--and more familiarity than most with using HTML--thus far I've barely put these skills to any use.

I had a LiveJournal account for a number of years, and while over two years ago I crossed over into the more marketable and now more popular land of Wordpress, I've struggled with ridding myself of the more diaristic bent that LJ encouraged. Essentially, I haven't yet found my blogging "niche"--I haven't even given it the old college try. I'm a strong writer, but I don't want my prowess to be used for self-aggrandizement. I only want to write for myself in the sense that my blog might engage others in some way, and therefore I'd better enjoy and take greater pride in writing my entries.

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