Thursday, September 30, 2010


I like to blog because I feel I have a lot to share to everyone else around me. My experiences both fun and sad, positive and negative, exciting and sobber - they all have been learning opportunities for me. And sharing them will help give others a perspective. It may perhaps inspire them to go on or perhaps, spare them from trouble. All this desire to blog started because I enjoy reading blogs. The blogs I visit ( on my career, music, health, inspirational stories and humorous stuff) are very stimulating and i am encouraged by the thought that my experiences will have the same effect on my readers.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New to Blogging

I am new to the blogging scene so a beginner blogging course is a good place to start. I have started the initial steps of creating a free blog on and have created a few posts. I am looking forward to developing a more professional image with better content.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New blogger

Hi I am sophie an this is my first attemopt at writing a blog I am learning from a site and hopefully this will improve my blog writing techniques

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Blogging is totally new to me, I have no idea how to blog. I'm taking this course to help me to develop better writing and communication skills. Once I learn and hopefully master this skill, I hope to use it to blog about my daily adventures in life.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Growing business hires inexpereinced blogger

I have recently been hired to do online marketing for a company that is launching a new U.S. division. My job entails managing the website, social media outlets, and the blog. The only problem is: I HAVE NO CLUE!! I manage my own personal Facebook page pretty well but I've never written anything that was meant to be read by lots of people, much less anything that would represent a business well.

My Debut Blog

Hello all, I am a new blogger in cyberspace. Since long i have been waiting to get exposed to the world of blogging and it happened now. This interest in me was kindled after reading through a lot of blogs written by my friends and other famous bloggers. Now i have taken the first step of creating my first blog and hope the blog space would see some more posts from me in the near future.