Monday, December 29, 2008


I like to work on my family tree and learn about history.

I have been working on my family tree for over ten years.

I love to learn about history. When I work on my family tree I am also learning about what was happening in the world during that time. It really gives me a scenes how life was for my family back then.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What I like doing with my spare time....


That's right! Nada, Zip, Zero, get the drift.

Why nothing?.. you might ask? Why not! Is there something better to do that you can suggest?

If you can suggest something that I should do or be doing, please advise...

If not, I suggest you do nothing as well, because obviously, this is the best thing to do, or you would be doing something.

Entering the 21st Century! I am...I'm blogging! It took me a while to join the "dark side" where all you technical computer dwelling nerds live. But, alas, I have succumbed to the pressure of society. I am learning to blog mainly for business purposes so that all of you nerds will buy my stuff! I know you don't like to leave your computer because it's like leaving your child or removing an arm or will sell my products to you over the net and then seek world domination slowly but stealth of course. So, keep tapping away at your keyboards and keep inventing artificial lives and personalities (because you don't have lives or personalities of your own) and I will keep learning how to blog and then rule the WORLD MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New 2 blogging

I've heard the word blog countless times and never really cared to know more. I don't feel like I have the time to post my life online for strangers to read, plus it kinda freaks me out. But here I am, taking a blogwriting course because, after all, it is 2008. Employers want you to know how to blog and, well, it gives you an advantage to know what it is, how to do it and how to do it right.
I've started a blog thanks to my boss's help and I'm hoping I can get the hang of this and do it right!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Little Leary

Why sure, I'm ready to start my autobiography, just as soon as I take a course in safeblog. I have no idea what blogging is, I thought it was clogging in boots! Well, so I am a little intimidated at posting anything world wide, email is different, I chose who I want to read my words, but blogging world wide? Why would anyone want to do that, unless they have miles of confidence that everyone wants to read what they wrote. Guess, I'm not ready yet to give a history of my internet life, but hey, can't blame a person for being alittle leary.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trying to blog in a foreign tongue

There is so little information on how to blog in spanish that I thought it would be easier for me to try to do it in English. When you're not used to writing, the language is not the problem but the ideas and fluency might not be an encouraging factor, but I am sure a am the ten hundredth person that has had this little hesitating problem, so here's to first time bloggers,SALUD!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanks for the course

Thank you for offering a free course of blogging.  I can't wait to get started!!


Monday, November 17, 2008

So this is blogging?

I think I can do this...why not? All I have to do is write some interesting things, and keep posting on a regular basis?
If I can find the time to do it, I think I will like it! Plus, it may suit my business well.

new blogger from the green moon

i just came down to your planet after looking thru my telescope; it looks like mushroom everywhere. when i touched down i found it's actually blogs everywhere.

i think i have the market for it up there, so i must learn how to manufacture it under our conditions. it should be good for our breakfast.

cheers! see me on the green moon

Sunday, October 26, 2008

right now my favorite hobby is couponing. i'm a little obsessed.
i've been couponing on and off since 2003.
i love this hobby because i love the thrill of the chase while getting a good deal and saving my family money.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

student blogger
bargain shopper
fountain of youth pursuer
athlete in my mind
indulging mom
fair teacher
equal partner

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How little I know about Blogging

I wish to learn how to blog. It seems it is the new way of keeping in touch with family and friends. I do genealogy and I talk to people all over the world. How cool it would be to connect with everyone on one page. I want to learn how to blog the right way and learn what to do and what not to do. It is a new style of keeping touch.

Friday, October 10, 2008

joining the blogging world

never done it before but now have a good reason to blog. am a long way from home and it seems like a good way to tell people I know what I'm up to and show them my photos. 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pure Balderdash

Total lot of sahite
Hello! My name is Michelle and I'm in Florida. I am looking to get started with a family farm with my partner of 10 years, daughter, grandson and a soon-to-be-born baby. we are very excited about this!

3 great things about growing up in las vegas

1/ A topic of conversation on remember when. . . that hardly anybody knows.
2/ It was a small town and knowing everyone is cool
3/ You know all the shortcuts when driving

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Blogger

I've read a lot of different blogs, mainly business rated blogs.  I really don't understand the technical set-up of a blog or blog service.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What a great day!

Hello! this is a test .....
What should I write .... hmmm... thinking thinking and still thinking. Lets upload a picture first.
It's not bad at all ..... I got it now.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Good afternoon. My name is Mike and know next to zero about blogging!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Blogger Mom Here

Well, everyone else is doing it -- blogging that is. So I'm here to jump in and join in. I'm a homeschool mom with no one other than my children to talk to during the day and blogging would give me an outlet. I have a lot of experience in homeschool and would love to share that. I actually set up a blog just last week - and found out that there is a lot of information out there on blogging and it's a different world! So I could use a bit of help. There are a lot of terms and techy stuff that I don't know. Here's to learning a lot!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

To Be Honest

I signed up with a mentor program and I on August 22nd, I launched a website called The Bird-Friendly Garden Shop a few weeks ago, so I'm now in the "marketing" phase.  I haven't sold a thing.

My mentor-coaches keep telling me that blogging really helps their sales.  I'm intimidated by blogging and really don't know where to begin -- the idea of blogging about bird feeders, etc. really isn't something I can even begin to think about creatively.  

In addition to the web store, I'm using Auctiva to list some of my on eBay and my Auctiva store is called "Rootey's Roost."  There is a blog function there where I can write blog entries.  But again, I'm intimidated and don't know what to write or where to begin.

What I really would like to do is write a blog about my life in general (I recently retired and moved to a small town) and somehow work my internet business into it.  But I have no idea how to do that.

So I thought I'd take a course.  Rootey :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Blogger Cassandra

Hi, My name is Cassandra Batson. I teach people how to heal themselves and have a website called I'm taking the course to learn how to blog about achieving outrageous wellbeing.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hello! My Name is..

How many of those stickers have you stuck on you shirt? No really, My Name is Vicki. Im a homeschooling Mama of 4 living in the Midwest. Thought I'd like to blog, so I started one. Well come to find out Im terribly boring and NO ONE reads the thing. Even I get bored writing it. Then I found this Blogging Class thing and decided to give it a shot. So we shall see if this turns me into a blogging pro or if I am destined to be a dud.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Free Time

Who has FREE time?

Time never seems to be free....we have to choose our time wisely.

I find that I never have free time, so I make time for the people and things that are important to me. If I waited for free time. I would never get to it. One way I've found to enjoy the hobby I love most (photography), is make it part of my daily or weekly routine. I take my camera with me most everywhere and then I can catch magic moments forever.

I've found a terrific blog for those new to digital photography:

Here is one of my recent digital photos:

A New Adventure

A new month and I am starting yet another a new adventure. The past year has been filled with changes and new adventures in my life. New home, new career, new soulmate and they all include the crazy good and not so good things that are part of life.

Soon blogging will be added to my list of credentials as it gets check off the TO DO list. As I learn the ins and outs of blogging, I hope to use it to find even more of myself and share with those I can enlighten (or help).

I found this blogging course quite by accident....or maybe it wasn't an accident at all. The truth is, this course may have found me. I just finished reading a book by Steve Weber, Plug Your Book! about using the interenet to sell self-published books. I used the Google Blog search looking for blogs that would tie into my book, and found one. On it was the link to this blog writing course. A few more clicks of my mouse and here I am.

Did I find this course, or did it find me? What do you think?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hello to the Blogging world!

I have read a few blogs, and keep up with them, and I really like the idea of having one myself! My name is Parker and I live in the mountains on Wester North Carolina.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It Happens to Be

Yes, I believe everything happens for a reason. I don't believe in fate, happenstance or coincidence. I believe that each person was created for a specific purpose. I believe that the better you treat people the better you will be treated. I believe in unconditional love. I believe in giving as much as you can. I believe in helping others, especially when you don't really want to. I believe that love is a feeling not a word. I believe that "True" faith can get you through anything. I love my family - especially being a mom, learning, gardening, inspiring and helping others and my biggest vice - dining out! My love of food is borderline "addict". I'm one of those who lives to eat, not vice versa. I can be lured by just a sliver of cheesecake or a teaspoon of creme brulee.

Hi. I'm WinstonJones and I work for a large corporation that is considering starting up an external blog to help a specific section of our customers. Don't know if blogging is my thing, but am willing to give it a shot.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sharon Z

Hello to the virtual world!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008



I'm a 6 year old iguana from Topeka. I speak French and Italian.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

June in Alberta

Hello! My name is June, I am from Alberta, Canada. I have absolutely no blogging experience whatsoever!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Who Am I?"

I am a curious little bean. The littlest bean in the garden. I'm green, I'm juicy, and I live on a vine that has its roots deep in the soft, luscious, soil. I have absolutely no experience blogging, but I'm purty darn clever and not very much afraid, so I think I'll be ok. If only I can keep my vine from climbing around the power cord on the computer now...

I really enjoy reading.
I have enjoyed this since I was in 5th grade.
I feel part of the story when I get immersed in it.

First time doing this

I am new at this. I am always hearing about blogging and have no clue as what to write about if I were to write one.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Hobby

I have loved doing crochet since I learned how to do it in grade school.
I love this hobby so much because I enjoy seeing the product of my patience and hard work immediately. I enjoy seeing how the patterns come out and I can experiment on the patterns with different yarn colors and textures. While doing this, my mind gets a rest from the humdrums of life.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First post

This is cool.... does it work?

My first post

This is my first time posting on a blog. How does it look?