Wednesday, March 30, 2011

At last! An outlet for my thoughts.

My first encounter with blogging was when a columnist I admire made derisive comments about bloggers. It put me clean off the idea. Then I did a course in Magazine Journalism and had to do an assignment about blogging. I realized that it can be the most wonderful way to express thoughts and ideas. Both of which I have in abundance. So! What shall I blog about? My efforts to be green and live as a vegetarian in a consumerist and carnivorous society. That it is possible to garden without herbicides and pesticides. My love for animals and nature. (No lack of beautiful places in this wonderful country I live in.) The ongoing renovations to our house. I shall air my views about those things that delight me :) and the irritations, big and small, that is part and parcel to living. Above all, my blog will have a categorie devoted to practical recycling ideas. Not the "seperate- your-garbage" version of it, but the "buy-less-and-reinvent-what-you've-got" way of recycling. Can't wait to get it up and running!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Introducing .... Me!

I am James Pennington. I am a new blogger who has a deep interest in getting started with one. I started my own Social Networking/Blogging site. I really am having a hard time trying to write blogs because I feel my writing ability isn't the greatest as of yet. I know that over time I will keep improving. Just afraid of failure I guess. I want my blogs to be more professional. I have always had a niche for journalism. Just always was told that journalism isnt a solid career. So when I went to college I kind of swayed away from that dream.

So after 3 years of college and being miserable with major I was practically forced into going into I took some time off. I wanted to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Then I started reading blog after blog, listening to talk radio like crazy. Then it struck me. I love web design and I love the news. Why not do both.

I am kind of amazed I actually wrote this much. This is the farthest I have gotten without getting nervous and erasing everything. Any positive feedback on things I can improve on would be awesome. Thanks!
Hi, I am an advanced student who is experimenting with updating posts. Excuse me for entering and touching yours. I'm just adding a link to a blog about online math curriculum. Thanks.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Learning French is a favourite pastime

It began while I was in high school and has continued for the past three decades.

I love this hobby because the language is so beautiful and I get exposure to another culture and another way of looking at life.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Love of life-Long Learning with Books!

I really don’t have a hobby, but I am passionate about learning from books.

I’ve been an avid reader for the better part of forty years (read: pretty much my entire life)!!

Books are the quietest
and most constant of friends;
they are the most accessible
and wisest of counselors,
and the most patient of teachers.
~ Charles W. Eliot

I have used Elizabeth Foss's blog as a resource to books for our children. I love her teaching style and how she draws a wide variety of books together which focus on a theme.

In searching for blogs that focused on a love of books and reading, I found this beautiful blog which features books illustrations and art!

Here are images of a few of my current favorites:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

From SEO to Blogging

For the last year or so, I have been writing SEO material for numerous, varied internet sites Recently however, due to different reasons, the revenue created from these sites has fallen through the floor. For some this is a major problem if not a catastrophe. For me it’s not a problem at all, but more of a decision maker. The money I earned was nothing to write home about and the process of writing and publishing an article was not particularly fulfilling. I consider myself to be somewhat opinionated and this is not really the acceptable style of writing for the sites I was contributing to.

The more I think about it, the more I get the impression that blogging is the ideal outlet for the way I like to write. To make an opinion on a topic and to receive relevant and informed feedback inspires me more than just writing and forgetting soon after.

I have dabbled blindly in the Blogosphere, but have realised that if you want to do something, you should really go about it in the correct manner and receive the appropriate training. Hence, that is why I am here.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why I want to blog

I like writing creative non-fiction. It gives me a chance to reflect on my life and put things into perspective, while maybe even touching someone else who reads it. Blogging is an opportunity to do that two or three times a week, with writing built around a particular theme, and in a medium that may even build my credentials as a writer should others get to know my blog, like it, and recommend it to others.

I am hoping the Blogging 101 course will teach me the fundamentals as well as the more sophisticated points of blogging so that I can launch into the blogosphere well-prepared with professional training. That way, the learning curve won't be as great, painful, or arduous.

I am also hoping that the course will help move me nearer to my goal of being a social media writing consultant for NGOs or non-profits whose work I may be interested in. Right now, I work as an editor, editing research papers about 20 to 30 hours a week for a major company. Writing for social media seems a wonderful outlet for my creative writing skills, after spending many hours each week improving other people's writing.

So, yes, that is why I want to blog. It's a chance to express myself as a writer, perhaps grow my reputation, and even gain me a new profession in the world of media and publishing.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I Can't Believe I'm Really Blogging!

To date, I am technologically savvy enough to survive in this world. I have a computer (duh), digital camera, smart phone, mp3 player, e-reader, and other such devices. I do basic tasks on said devices such as search the web, bank online, pay bills, download music and books, send and respond to e-mails, etc. In truth, these devices are wasted on me - they are totally underutilized.

One case in point: I've never tweeted nor have I ever logged onto facebook (much less created a profile.) I have tons of excuses. I've been skeptical (even critical) of those who seem to spend so much time on such things. I claim I don't have the time when in fact I have plenty. I claim my identity might be at risk though pity the fool who would might steal it. I claim we are too reliant on technology but deep inside I understand it's better to get on the bus than get run over by it. So here I am - on the brink of venturing way out of my comfort zone.

I've never considered myself narcissistic and am amazed to think anything I might have to share will be of help or interest to anyone. Everything I've heard about blogging says you must have a quite specific topic and regard it with relative passion. This alone has delayed my first attempt at blogging. You see, as it turns out I'm a trained generalist. No, really, I am. I have a bachelor of science in Family and Consumer Science (aka Home Economics for folks of my generation.) This includes general training in foods, nutrition, health, wellness, parenting, human development, personal finance, consumerism, clothing, textiles, housing, interior design, relationships, etc. Of course, I have my fortes and these will become evident over time.

With that said, be patient as I learn - as I learn more about my subjects, as I learn more about myself and as I learn about you.

Something about me

I am just beginning to learn how to blog, I have a blog set up but want to learn the in's and out's of the behind the scenes. I feel like I would have something to contribute, on facebook I was amazed at the interests people had with the different things I had been doing, I always told myself I would never blog and here I am. Never say never!

Blogging: It's ALL about me!

Blogging has been a secret aspiration of mine for some time. I confess to having started a couple blogs over the years with the idea to share my experience of working in network marketing. Although this is one of the priorities in life (read: source of income for our family), my passions are my faith and family and I just wasn't inspired to invest time and energy into THAT blog!

Part of my desire to blog was my love for words. I love to read. I love to journal. I love to play with words by writing. Writing helps me to clarify my thoughts. Writing provides a means to process life's challenges and document successes. I know the practice of writing assists me in the being a better verbal communicator.

One of my resolutions for 2011 was to make time for my desire to write...and to be part of the HUGE online community of bloggers. Over the past year I've found dozens of amazing mothers with whom I have so much to share. These women inspire me in living my vocation as a wife, mother and homemaker. I want to engage in that community with my own blog.

I have been working on a blog at Typepad called Moments of Grace since late December. 'MyBlog’ is my space to write about my journey living my faith as a wife mother (of 5) and home-maker. I am on a HUGE learning curve but I am LOVING it so far! (Other than the downside of the amount of time it takes me to actually create and publish a post...yikes!)

Some topics I want to blog about: my walk with Christ as a Catholic, marriage, mothering, books, living with gratitude, living well with fibromyalgia, clean eating, and getting out of debt.

At this point I am excited about this Blogging Pre-Course. I plan to enroll in the Blogging 101 course and possibly take some advanced level blogging courses. I am also exploring options to enroll in some online writing courses.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here I Am!

Hello my name is Yaisa Hagood and I have no previous blogging experience. I've known about blogs for several years and I've always had a passion for writing. Therefore, I decided that I would educate myself on blogs so that I can start my own.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I am a "newblogger." Though I've been blogging for several years, I seem to have lost my motivation to write and network with other bloggers...

I have a small blogging niche as a veteran homeschooling mother with a special interest in homeschooling children with special needs. I have two real life special ministries involving including people with special needs in faith communities and supporting others who homeschool children with special needs.

As a stay-at-home mom, my other passions in life include my Lord & Savior, my family, reading and cooking.

I am extremely introverted so blogging has been a nice outlet to express myself. I have never considered myself to be a writer. I find that I work very hard, perhaps too hard, to find just the right words to express what I mean to convey.

I have many written works on the internet. They are informational pieces about homeschooling children with special needs. I have also written an e-book with the same subject.

Now, I need to learn how to be a good blogger!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

...that is the question with which I am currently grappling. I was first introduced to the seemingly endless fountain of information and virtual connections found through blogging by my mother. Yes, I admit, it's a little sad that my mom beat me to the punch in discovering this, but hey - at least I got the satisfaction of knowing how to utilize RSS feeds before her! Anyway, as I started to notice the theme of the types of blogs I was subscribing to and the fact that many of them were interlinked with each other - I started wondering what my own voice could contribute to the conversation. The blogs I follow are authored by women who share one or more of the following attributes: they love God wholeheartedly, they are passionate about their families, they have an obsession with organization and any kind of storage solution, beauty is not lost on their finely-tuned senses - they find it in everyday living, and most importantly, they desperately desire to have their writings touch and impact other women in a way that glorifies God and builds up the body of Christ. Several weeks ago, I stumbled across a website for a blogging conference called, The Relevant Conference. I could hardly contain myself when I learned that these women gather each year for encouragement, fellowship, technical training, and networking! I immediately wanted to sign up to join - but, then this one tiny issue came rushing to the surface...ready for it? Yeah, I don't blog. I'm a closet-blogger - that is, I have a blog (two, actually), but it's not public and I think I have 1.5 posts. Hmmm - that could be a problem. So, here I am - investigating the next steps, deciphering if I have anything different or beneficial to add to the conversation, and figuring out the best way to move forward.