Saturday, November 26, 2011


My hobby is to travel. I don't get to do much of it but my goals for the future involve traveling, and being paid to do so.

I have had the passion to travel since I was a young child. My family would travel anywhere from 1-4 times a year to visit family. It was always to the same location yet I was yearning to travel further and to new places.

I am not sure where my travel inclination emanates from; possibly from seeking freedom from the every day.

Our Last US Road Trip: Craters, Pueblos and Aliens . . . Oh My!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Green New

I am a 'green' blogger. I have wanted to blog for a long time but did not know how. I am excited to get a feel for blogging, and then afraid I will become addicted. Blogging reminds me of all the writing I did growing up. I would love to start a daily blog coming from ideas given to me by subscribers. Is that still considered blogging? I am looking forward to learning how to become a great blogger.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Worth Trying Again

I have tried blogging before but not for the masses to see. I usually limit viewing to family and friends. But I have realized that I need to step outside of my comfort zone and learn how to appeal to others. I love sharing information or life experiences with a sense of humor. So I am looking forward to learning what I need to do, to turn this around.

New to Blogging

Here goes my first blog post!
I'm an avid reader of all kinds of blogs, and have decided that I want to start a blog of my own!
Hopefully this Introduction to Blogging online course will help. It seems pretty straightforward so far...let's see how this looks! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

what I know

I know a blog is a way to share info.

Monday, November 14, 2011

My favorite hobby right now is beading.

I've been beading for a little over 2 years.

I like it because it enables me to support a small orphanage in Asia with all the profits, as well as support women-at-risk with the purchase of Free Trade Beads

Free Trade Beads

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Did you know that over 27 million men, women and children in our world today live in slavery?
This is the message I want to get out: be aware . . . begin to care.

What I Know About Blogging Would Scare You!

I've been familiar with blogging for quite some time. Initially I had no idea what it was or where the term came from. Well, I understand more about blogging - but not much. At least now I know what a blog is and what you can use a blog for, such as keeping your family updated on what is going on in your life, what your opinion is on various topics, and teach people how to do things. But... from that point forward I don't know where to begin. I have gotten so far as to set up a blog account but I just don't know where to begin. I've been searching for "how to" information for picking a cause or a topic that will interest people but I really don't know where to start. I've never written anything before - well other than reports and papers in school, and some advertising pieces. Which by the way is the reason I need to learn effective blogging - to promote my new busines - Janellen Gifts in a Basket. I want to use blogging for an additional source to drive people to my website. So here I am on my journey to understanding good blogging and how to make it work for me.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fast Food - A Toss of the Dice

Almost everyone loves fast food occasionally. Some eat it daily, some weekly, and some publicly scorn it, but secretly crave it. The key to great fast food is not necessarily the brand name or big neon sign promising a great meal at a great price, but the people that work there. Whether it be college kids, senior citizens, or high school dropouts, it is the pride they have in the job that makes the better burger. Clean counters and drink machine areas say alot about an establishment. An employee that greats you with a smile and knows how to operate the cash register is another plus. If your meal arrives quickly with a fully cooked burger and the fries are crisp, you feel better already. This is a direct result of someone actually caring about the food they sell. Many of us have all been through the meal from hell which involves limp fries, receiving the wrong order, a "to go" order with no ketchup and no napkins, or heaven forbid, a hair in the burger. An experience like this will cause you to think twice about fast food next time the craving attacks. Bad experiences often teach us more than good ones.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Communication at work

We have a problem with a lack of communication at work. I want us to set up a blog to make it easy for coworkers to tell others what they are working on, what problems they have come across, and ideas they would like to discuss about how to improve our service. Managemnet likes the idea and has said,"Go ahead." The problem is that I am 'technologically challenged.'

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I like to micro-organize everything in my life.
I've enjoyed this hobby for about eight years.
I enjoy micro-organizing everything because it takes my mind off of other things.
The Clutter Diet Blog: Micro- Vs. Macro-Organizing: First Things First!

Blogging and Me: An Unfulfilled Relationship

Hi, I'm Molly.

While I have plenty of theoretical knowledge about blogs and blogging--and more familiarity than most with using HTML--thus far I've barely put these skills to any use.

I had a LiveJournal account for a number of years, and while over two years ago I crossed over into the more marketable and now more popular land of Wordpress, I've struggled with ridding myself of the more diaristic bent that LJ encouraged. Essentially, I haven't yet found my blogging "niche"--I haven't even given it the old college try. I'm a strong writer, but I don't want my prowess to be used for self-aggrandizement. I only want to write for myself in the sense that my blog might engage others in some way, and therefore I'd better enjoy and take greater pride in writing my entries.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I have about 3 blogs though may have started more and forgotten about them. I forget my password regularly and my username also eventually gets forgotten. I would like to have a good blog that people read (not just family).