Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Getting to know me

I am Sandy. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, employee, manager, entrepreneur, runner, swimmer, photographer, cake baker, and housekeeper. But probably not in that order. I am funny, tired, exciteable, loyal, and chatty, but probably not in that order. I love my kids, my husband, cookie-dough topping on my frozen yogurt, and tuna melts, and in that order.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am tired

This is the first thing that came to mind when given the assignment to write a blog. I am tired. Currently at this moment in time, I am tired of my spouse.... ( I still love my spouse) just tired of my role in this marriage. I need a break. I am a parent also and kids............ WHEEW! Where are the other parents out there. My kids are still young, so they are still so so innocent which is a good thing. But their energy makes me feel old sometime. I always prided myself about being the young buck in the group, but my kids jump on me, run around me, pull on me... I am like KIDS I NEED A BREAK LOLLLLL!

I am just tired. I need sleep. I want sleep. I want a nanny. I want a maid. I want more money. I want a freaking vacation by myself. I need some me time, so I can come back renewed, restored and refreshed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Novice Blogger

My name is Steve and I live in California and I would like to be a Blogger and be part of the Blogger community.
As the title says I am a novice at blogging. I have made attempts at it but have failed miserably. I have interest in blogging but have no knowledge, maybe just a little, but not enough to really crasp what it takes to be a pro-blogger. I have read about bloggers making money by blogging, whether that true or not I would like to find out for myself. Anyway I am on a Pre Course program right now and just taking each steps at a time and then just see what happens from there. I hope I can succeed in this subject.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I was born in a small town, and I live in a small town. Probably die in a small town. Oh those small communities

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I know nothing about blogging

Since I want to keep up on what's happening in the world of computers, it's time I learned about blogging. I read professional blogs, but never really thought much about learning to set up my own or what can be accomplished through blogging. The ability to convey messages and sell products through blogging is facinating and something I want and need to learn. All knowledge is useful.