Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not So New Blogger

I have done some blogging before. I already have a blog ( that I started a few years ago at a friend's prompting to write about all of the baking that I do. I started baking as a kid and always enjoyed it, but then a few years ago baking became my salvation for dealing with an annoying job and other frustrations, which was when I discovered how much I LOVE baking. I've also maintained a blog before for work. I am already comfortable with the basics of updating a blog and adding pictures and such, my problem is how badly I neglect my blog (several months now without a post even though I have been baking. I am going to have to play catch up yet again). Also, I want to improve my writing on my blog to try and open up to a lager audience than the tiny handful of close friends who follow my blog so they can harass me about when their next delivery of goodies is. lol


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