Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Intro from a newbie blogger

Quite a few years ago, I really loved writing long letters to my friends and family. Many of them suggested that I should write a book about myself or actually anything. I had numerous hard events happen in my life and people engaged more in emailing then writing. As I got used to the email routine, my writing fell down the way side. Maybe I would have enjoyed a letter or two myself for me to continue:)

What hinders me as well in blogging, is the skill to think while typing on the computer. My hands and thoughts were used to a pencil and paper. Totally different then on a computer. Mistakes seemed to be made more and I had the tendency to keep re-reading what I had written. Hence loosing my train of thought more so then on paper. At the same time I did not want to waste time re-writing all again.

Through time, my skills diminished. But now I would enjoy returning to writing for my pleasure and even make some money. This course will surely bring me to this level.

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