Thursday, March 3, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

...that is the question with which I am currently grappling. I was first introduced to the seemingly endless fountain of information and virtual connections found through blogging by my mother. Yes, I admit, it's a little sad that my mom beat me to the punch in discovering this, but hey - at least I got the satisfaction of knowing how to utilize RSS feeds before her! Anyway, as I started to notice the theme of the types of blogs I was subscribing to and the fact that many of them were interlinked with each other - I started wondering what my own voice could contribute to the conversation. The blogs I follow are authored by women who share one or more of the following attributes: they love God wholeheartedly, they are passionate about their families, they have an obsession with organization and any kind of storage solution, beauty is not lost on their finely-tuned senses - they find it in everyday living, and most importantly, they desperately desire to have their writings touch and impact other women in a way that glorifies God and builds up the body of Christ. Several weeks ago, I stumbled across a website for a blogging conference called, The Relevant Conference. I could hardly contain myself when I learned that these women gather each year for encouragement, fellowship, technical training, and networking! I immediately wanted to sign up to join - but, then this one tiny issue came rushing to the surface...ready for it? Yeah, I don't blog. I'm a closet-blogger - that is, I have a blog (two, actually), but it's not public and I think I have 1.5 posts. Hmmm - that could be a problem. So, here I am - investigating the next steps, deciphering if I have anything different or beneficial to add to the conversation, and figuring out the best way to move forward.

1 comment:

NewBlogger said...

Your post resonates with me. I am on pretty much the same path...also new to blogging, HUGE learning curve and a closet blogger... I've been posting regularly for 11 weeks but no one knows I'm there. Best of luck to you.